Monday, February 4, 2013

MOOC on Databases

When looking for possible Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) I spotted this class on Stanford University's website.  My undergraduate degree is in Engineering so I have some experience and interest in computer programming.  This course in particular, Introduction to Databases focuses on how databases and database systems are used in programming and online computer applications.  When took a course similar to this one many years ago I really felt like the face to face interaction and class time with the professor helped to aid in my learning and understanding of the topics.  Now I am curious to see how effective this class can be as a MOOC.  I am wondering if it will be much more difficult to learn the content in a strictly remote, digital, and online manner.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sam! Yes, I wonder the same thing on how it will compare to a face to face. Fortunately, you have an actual class similar to what you took before, so it will be interesting to see how it goes from week to week. I also wonder how they are able to keep up with the larger numbers enrolled. My last one had 41,000 and it is temporarily closed due to issues on the site. Good Luck!
